I'm feeling hot, hot, hot

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Well, this has been a crazy couple of days. There are wild fires burning out of control in the canyon off the 241. In case you don't know the area... this backs up to the hill we live on. We evacuated last night, but today they let everyone go home as the fires started burning south east away from homes. The report tonight is that it is only 10% contained. I'm no fool. The trunk of my car is still filled with the essentials. i was really surprised by how much i was willing to live without. I always thought I would need to save so much in the event of fire, but faced with it I only grabbed photos, important documents and a couple changes of clothes. Makes me want to do a clean sweep of all the excess stuff we have in our home. I will unpack the car when the fire is out. The air quality is terrible, but my new asthma meds are working well.

Here are a couple of photos I took yesterday and today from upstairs at our home. The red sun looks cool, but I assure you it was very creepy to see in real life.

14 Responses to “I'm feeling hot, hot, hot”

  1. Blogger Nicky 

    OMG...be vigilant about your safety. I had to shake my head in amazement about what you wanted to save...and I truly believe I would feel the same. Take care...be safe...and I'll be thinking of you.


  2. Blogger ... 

    so glad yall are safe and the fire stayed away from your home, scary

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Karen- Been thinking about you and hope all goes well. My brother had the same thing happen to him during the San Diego wild fires. They eventually got to return home safely, but San Diego took a beating.

    Big Hugs-

  4. Blogger Benita 

    Wow, those photos are amazing! I'm so glad that you're okay! I was really worried about you yesterday. {{{{Karen}}}}

  5. Blogger Tracy 

    Very scary! Glad you're safe.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    BE safe and hope the fires continue to avoid you.

  7. Blogger Adrienne 

    So glad you are ok! I hope it stays away from your area.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    WOW - how scary. I'm thankful your family is safe and smart woman to keep your trunk packed for a while. I suffer from Asthma too and can only imagine your poor lungs. I will keep you and your family in our prayers.


  9. Blogger justjohanna 

    So scary! I'm glad you and your family are safe. I'm in San Diego and the 2003 fires are still very vivid in my mind. And the acrid air for weeks after. Yuck. Hope it is contained soon. You are right not to unpack your vehicles yet.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Oh, wow. How frightening. Hopes are with you that the fire stays AWAY from your home!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Stay safe!! Crazy fire weather in Feb!!! What is up with that!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Be safe! I can't imagine running from a fire like that. :(

  13. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Glad you're safe. We've had wildfire issues all month here in TX. Just scary...

  14. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Grab those boys and gramma and come to Minnesota!! We'll protect you here!! I miss you all!

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  • I'm Karen (Cupcake) Carter
  • From Orange County, California, United States
  • I am happily married to my best friend and proud to be the Mommy of two sweet little boys. My world revolves around these three handsome guys. Everything I do is for or because of them. I am happy to the core!
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